“When thinking about qualities you would want in a speech therapist, Mrs. Julie has them all. Dedicated. Caring. Focused. Fun. Loving. She is a perfect teammate, locked in on the goal of helping your child be the best communicator they can be. She cares about the whole child, and not just the child in therapy. If you have other children, she cares about them too. She breaks down your child’s needs and works on them in a planned out way that makes sense for your child and your family. She provides the tools and resources necessary to work on meeting goals, whether it be graphics to help aid in communication or a tiny piece of chocolate to use as a vocal incentive. Mrs. Julie has all the manipulatives to help motivate all the children. I know she was instrumental in helping our child in therapy also learn how to put together puzzles while working on animal sounds. Our other children could not wait to see what was new in her Mary Poppins style bag of tricks. The connection she has with our child (and children) was special and real. Choosing a therapist can be intimidating and stressful, but your child and your family are in amazing hands with Mrs. Julie. She will help you see, and hear, your child grow.”